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Regular Meeting of April 10, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
These Minutes are Subject to Approval by the Inland Wetlands Commission

Commissioners Present:  Pat Boily, Mary Curran, Kristen Hammar, Anne Peters, and Katja Pieragostini; Commissioners Absent: Sharon Salling; Staff Present: Steve Maguire, Land Use Enforcement Officer and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Ms. Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #13-03  188 Mt. Pleasant Road, Richard Keiser.  Application for the correction of a violation.  

Todd Bolmer was not present.  The commissioners and Mr. Maguire discussed the history of this violation and noted it has been ongoing since June 2012.  After the commission and staff had a lengthy discussion on enforcement options, Ms. Hammar motioned that since the applicant’s planting plans are not sufficient and have not been modified to reflect the change of wood removal opposed to processing on site; and the applicant has not provided costs for materials, time and labor for the bond, it is recommended that the application be denied because the application is incomplete and referred for citation.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Boily.  The motion was unanimously approved.  

IW #13-08  26 Hundred Acres Road, Stephen Roberts. Application for a single family residence.  

Ms. Hammar recused herself.  Steve Trinkaus, P.E., was present.  Ms. Peters said there has been interest in having a public hearing for this application.  The commission decided to allow Mr. Trinkaus to present updated material to determine whether a public hearing is warranted.  Mr. Trinkaus explained the addition of a meadow filter strip along the retaining wall.  In the southeast corner lot, seven trees to be taken down with the area seeded with a native mix.  The septic area will be seeded with a meadow mix.  He explained more details of the septic system and the concerns of the Health District.  

Ms. Peters shared concerns about the wetlands if the septic system failed and if alternatives were considered. Mr. Trinkaus felt the septic system could last 40+ years if maintained properly.  He said there are alternative locations but the benefits are minimal.  Ms. Peters then asked for more information on their mitigation plans and whether they intend to remove invasives.  Mr. Trinkaus explained the habitats that would be created and that they will removal invasives.  He said they can include a conservation easement as well.  Mr. Boily shared concerns over the property if flooding were to occur.  Mr. Trinkaus said the water channel is deep enough to handle a heavy flow.  Ms. Curran asked for information about the driveway.  Mr. Trinkaus said the driveway would be gravel and be approximately 45 feet long.  After further discussion, Mr. Boily motioned to set a Public Hearing for April 24, 2013.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Curran.  The motion was passed 3 to 1.  

IW #13-10 159-161 Currituck Road, Marilyn Rennagel.  Application for a suction dredging project for Rennagel Pond.  

Dominic Meringolo, Sr. Environmental Engineer from Aquatic Control Technology (Sutton Massachusetts) said their company dredged this pond in 1993.  The pond is 0.15 acres with an approximate depth of two feet and is part of the Pond Brook watercourse system that contains numerous channels.  The pond is not constantly fed by water and is filled during rain events.  He explained suction dredging as a lower impact technique.  The pump would be parked in the driveway, the workers would be in the pond with only a suction hose, and the water and sediment would be pumped into large geo textile bags that will be placed on a knoll (lawn) with plastic underneath.  The water is then allowed to flow out of the bags onto the plastic and back into the pond.  The bags will be allowed to drain and dry and will be disposed of offsite.  A Bobcat is needed to remove the bags.  The project takes three to five days and do not expect any surrounding properties be affected.  

Ms. Hammar asked what direction the water will flow out of the bags.  Mr. Meringolo said it would flow towards the pond.  Ms. Curran asked if there are erosion concerns.  Mr. Meringolo said the seepage from each bag is slow, but they can use hay bales if needed.  Ms. Curran asked if they have successfully done this technique before.  Mr. Meringolo said it has been done many times but this is the first time in Connecticut.  It is similar to hydraulic dredging but on a more scaled down basis and includes no disturbance of the shoreline.  Mr. Boily asked if the plastic goes all the way to the pond and how large the bags are.  Mr. Meringolo said the plastic continues to the pond and that the bags are 15 x 25.  When disposed of, they may have to be cut in half in order for the Bobcat to lift them.  

Ms. Peters said she could not see evidence of water flowing through the pond.  Mr. Meringolo said the pond fills up during storm events and it appears to have no inlet.  Ms. Peters asked if the drainage of the bags will change the way the stream (on the north side) behaves.  Mr. Meringolo said he will have to get more information and will consult with Mr. Maguire.  Mr. Maguire and the commissioners shared concerns over the pond’s recovery rate.  Mr. Meringolo said the pond should fill up to normal elevation during the next storm and that the dredging should help the overall health of the pond.  He will work with Mr. Maguire on details, including at what point they would need to halt the operation if the pond does not recover.  


IW #13-15  61 Mt. Pleasant Road - Louis Albanese
IW #13-17(Det) 9 & 13 Point o’ Rocks Road - Bill Pieragostini

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Pieragostini motioned to approve the minutes of March 27, 2013.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Hammar.  Commissioners Peters and Curran abstained.  Corrections to the minutes are as follows:  Under Application #13-08, add: “Ms. Hammar recused herself”.  The minutes were approved as amended.

ADJOURNMENT Ms. Hammar motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Boily seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:25p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen